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3 Business rules inspired by daily life’s reflections

Origin Media Group • Jan 02, 2019
  1. Just because your business strategy works now, doesn’t mean it will always work.
  2. Question Everything
  3. #Neverstoplearning

Earlier tonight, I had a moment of clarity while doing mindless routine tasks around the house. Every day of my life I work. In some way, shape or form, I’ve had a job and have been cognizant of the responsibilities that come with “work” since I was 14 years old. And over the years, there are certain ideas I’ve grown accustomed to believing are a certain way and need no further dissection. Habits, routines, underlying beliefs.

Just because your business strategy works now, doesn’t mean it will always work.

For example: This evening while getting ready for bed, I had a few tasks on my mind I wanted to make sure I’d remember. So I added it to my notes app like I often do. And while I was writing everything down(texting rather), I noticed that I tend to lay out out my notes in such a fashion, as to most effectively grab my attention, and , in so doing, refresh the quality of importance that first went through my mind. However, these types of habits are typically short lived, and I often find new ways to catch my own attention. When your daily tasks, responsibilities and schedules are filled with altogether new priorities, that can often seem never ending, You must stay organized, constantly questioning how you spend your time. 

Question everything.  

Having this realization that evening helped me to see that I, much like the customer I am constantly trying to reach – when developing brands or products for each of our clients – was, in fact, changing my perspective on how to appeal to myself, as though I were a customer.

…That’s when it hit me. While this paradigm shift may have been inspired from mindless routine tasks in my day-to-day, the lessons I learned also pertains to business as well. Just because something works for your business now, doesn’t mean it will always work. We must open our thinking to different perspectives. We must question everything in order to remain effective.

We must also #NeverStopLearning

This is the start to how we succeed & continue to engage our customers; how we build brand loyalty.

Finally, I recall reading something somewhere years ago that has stuck with me to this day. I don’t remember it verbatim, but my takeaway was, that if you “can change your perspective, you can change your world.” Don’t get me wrong. In your questioning, you may find that some of your current habits or routines may continue to work consistently over long periods of time. If they constantly keep your business model or daily tasks effective, by all means, keep those habits working for you. But how will you know if you don’t take the time to question and reflect?

Bottom Line

  • Your perspective is a huge part of what makes you who you are. But it can change.
  • Who you are as a business or customer can change. 
  • And if you can take these times of change as an opportunity to learn, grow and adapt, you will always be successful. 

Follow Origin Media Group as we dive in to our #Neverstoplearning campaign.

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